Irritated Mouth

Irritated Mouth

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Stomatitis is inflammation or ulcers in the mouth, sometimes called dental stomatitis or denture stomatitis. The mucous membranes lining the mouth get inflamed and

Burning mouth syndrome — Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatment of this oral condition.

Mouth sores and inflammation (stomatitis) vary in appearance and size and can affect any part of the mouth, including the lips. People may have swelling and redness

WebMD examines common tongue problems such as soreness, discoloration, and bumps on the tongue.

Generalized inflammation may present with pain, redness of the mouth lining and possibly some swelling. However, focal areas of severe inflammation may cause ulcers.

Mouth irritation information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues.

WebMD discusses stomatitis, a condition caused by canker sores, cold sores and other irritations in the mouth.

Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Sisto on irritated mouth lining: The mouth can regenerate rather quickly but the real question is why? Most times in my

Mouth sores, Red spots, Soreness or burning inside of mouth and Swelling. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the

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